
The Ralsei Bot can be configured in order to fit your server needs, and also to make life with the bot a bit easier.

Please note that configuration-modifying commands will only work in servers and not in direct messages.


Alerts are informational Ralsei boxes that appear under certain conditions. There are a total of 4 alert channels: no-access, blocked, unknown, and lewd.

!ralsei cfg alerts <list/enable/disable/enableall/disableall> <alert channel (if enable/disable)>

You have can use enable or disable to enable/disable specific alerts, or enableall or disableall to enable/disable all alerts.

!ralsei cfg alerts enable lewd
Lewd alerts are now enabled.
!ralsei cfg alerts disableall
This will disable all alerts. If you want to go ahead, add a `Y` to the end of the command.
!ralsei cfg alerts enableall Y
All alerts have been enabled.

Allow Autodeletion

Autodeletion allows a command to be deleted as soon as it is sent. If you run a roleplay server, you most likely want this to be on. This is a simple on/off property.

!ralsei cfg allowautodelete <on/true/yes/1 or off/false/no/0>
!ralsei cfg allowautodelete on
Autodeletion is now allowed.

Since autodeletion has its downsides (e.g. someone could send profane words through the bot), you might want to limit autodeletion to specific users. You can do that using the permissions system.


Block specific commands from running. Use this if you don't want any user to run a given command. If you want to restrict commands to specific users or roles, consider using the permissions system instead.

!ralsei cfg blocklist <add/remove/clear/list> <command (if add/remove)>
!ralsei cfg blocklist add support
The command `support` (Bot Support) has been blocked.
!ralsei cfg blocklist remove shards
The command `shards` (Shard Count) has been removed from the blocklist.

There is only one unblockable command: the configuration command. Attempting to block it will result in an error.


Permissions restrict certain actions to specific roles, users, or permissions only. This allows you to limit the amount of users using a certain command, or give them specific capabilities based on each command.

!ralsei cfg permissions <list/set/unset/reset> <command (if set/unset)> <permission string (if set/unset)>

A comprehensive tutorial on how to write permissions can be found in the tutorials under "Tutorials / Permissions".


Meta configuration commands aren't really used to configure your configuration, but are instead used in order to export and import the configuration of your server.

!ralsei cfg meta <import/export>

To export your configuration, simply run !ralsei cfg meta export. To import an existing configuration, run !ralsei cfg meta import with the configuration file sent to you attached.

Imports are hard-locked at 16 kB. If your configuration seem to exceed that, consider removing some quick responses first or ask for help from the support server.


The prefix is what you use to call for the bot. The prefix needs to go before any command for the bot to recognize it as a valid command.

To change the prefix, you have to send !ralsei cfg prefix <new prefix> <with spaces?>.

<with spaces?> determines whether or not a space should appear after the prefix. Prefixes are limited to 14 characters, but it's not like you'll get to use up all of that.

!ralsei cfg prefix r. false
Prefix changed from !ralsei  to r.
r.cfg prefix !ralsei on
Prefix changed from r. to !ralsei 

Quick Responses

Used to be called "quicksays", quick responses can be used to create custom commands. They work exactly like !ralsei say, so using them is straightforward if you know how to make boxes.

!ralsei cfg quickresponses <list/clear/add/edit/remove>
!ralsei cfg quickresponse add bagel expression=happy Mmm mm! Yummy bagel!
The quick response `bagel` has been added.
!ralsei bagel
!ralsei cfg quickresponse remove bagel
The quick response `bagel` has been removed.
!ralsei bagel
Command does not exist.